Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2016

tugas ke-5

Friday, 21 october 2016
Name : Iluminata Rini
NIM : G1011161118
Class : D

         “Smartphone Apps That You Love”

     Smartphone app that I prefer is the first application of fuel, which both facebook and gaming applications. Before that I will explain why I like each one of these applications, the first one I liked the BBM app for using this application (BBM) I was able to communicate with friends or relatives around me. Then in addition to the application of fuel, I also like the Facebook app, because we can facebook status updates, then uploud photos and so forth. after the application of the third I liked that game app I like the most because if there is a game application can also entertain and reduce the tedium of us when we are again alone, in making or using applications that I mentioned earlier I felt that the application this makes the reason for cheer. So, I use my time to play games that are on my smartphone. That's the applications that I like as for other applications such as LINE, and Instagram. That's all I can convey to explain why I liked the applications there dismartphone me, if there are errors in the writing of words that I made this request as it should be tolerated. So that I can convey and end of words I thank you.

Jumat, 07 Oktober 2016

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Name  :Iluminata Rini
NIM    : G1011161118
Class   : D

“Two things that you have to bring everywhere you go”

When I want to go to someplace, I always bring two most important things. The first thing is purse.  I always brings my purse. Because purse is very important for me. Then when we see delicious food, ofcourse we want to buy it. But if we don’t bring our purse, we can’t buy it. Formerly I do not  like to bring a purse wherever I go, but now everything has changed. Because I put my ID card, student’s card and my money in that purse. Therefore I always brings my purse. 
            The second thing is my mobile phone. Why do I always bring my mobile phone? Because I think it is very important for communication. If we want to share something with our friends, ofcourse we need a mobile phone to do phone calling. Mobile phone is the best technology for communicate with our friends that far away from us. Then, it is also the best thing to communicate with our family. Because I far away with my family, I always miss them. Because of that, I always brings my mobile phone.
So, those are two important things that I always brings wherever I go.