Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2016

tugas ke-5

Friday, 21 october 2016
Name : Iluminata Rini
NIM : G1011161118
Class : D

         “Smartphone Apps That You Love”

     Smartphone app that I prefer is the first application of fuel, which both facebook and gaming applications. Before that I will explain why I like each one of these applications, the first one I liked the BBM app for using this application (BBM) I was able to communicate with friends or relatives around me. Then in addition to the application of fuel, I also like the Facebook app, because we can facebook status updates, then uploud photos and so forth. after the application of the third I liked that game app I like the most because if there is a game application can also entertain and reduce the tedium of us when we are again alone, in making or using applications that I mentioned earlier I felt that the application this makes the reason for cheer. So, I use my time to play games that are on my smartphone. That's the applications that I like as for other applications such as LINE, and Instagram. That's all I can convey to explain why I liked the applications there dismartphone me, if there are errors in the writing of words that I made this request as it should be tolerated. So that I can convey and end of words I thank you.

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